Seal Shield Corp. Is represented in the UK by The Keyboard Company.
We at The Keyboard Company have over 20 years experience selling specialist keyboards in the UK and are pleased to partner Seal Shield who have a great range of infection busting products tried and tested in the USA. We are proud to bring these products to the UK market. We believe the Seal Shield products represent the most effective infection control solution to date, and for the first time, bring bug safe computing within reach of the home user and office worker.
Seal Shield is committed to providing customers with the best manufactured infection control solutions available.
Seal Shield operates manufacturing facilities in Seattle, WA ; Hong Kong ; and Shenzhen, China.
Watch this space for new bug busting innovations.
Contact Seal Sheild USA
UK contact
Tel: 01453 884938 Fax: 01453 886633
The Keyboard Company is the trading name of The Keyboard Company (UK) Ltd. Registered in England and Wales with registration number 3446142. Unit 8, Canal Ironworks, Hope Mills, London Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 2SH. VAT registration number 729 0801 36.